Žiga Smrekar

Žiga Smrekar je 24-letni študent magistrskega študija geografije na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Diplomiral je na temo turizma, in sicer je bil naslov zaključne naloge »Možnosti razvoja turizma v občini Šmartno pri Litiji«. Prosti čas preživlja v naravi, hodi v hribe ali se ukvarja s športom. Z veseljem raziskuje znane in manj znane kotičke Slovenije in potuje po svetu. Tako združi prijetno s koristnim – poteši lastno radovednost in poglobi znanje, pridobljeno tekom študija.

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Možnosti razvoja turizma v občini Šmartno pri Litiji

Zaključna seminarska naloga

Mentor: doc. dr. Dejan Cigale

Viri in literatura

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Seznam slik in preglednic

Slika 1: Lokacija občine Šmartno pri Litiji
Slika 2: Raba tal občine Šmartno pri Litiji
Slika 3: Starostna piramida občine Šmartno pri Litiji
Slika 4: Grad Bogenšperk
Slika 5: Razgled z vrha Primskove gore
Slika 6: Razgled s Primskove gore na Dolenjsko
Slika 7: Raba tal krajevne skupnosti Primskovo
Slika 8: Potek Levstikove poti

Preglednica 1: SWOT analiza turizma v občini
Preglednica 2: Prihodi in prenočitve turistov v občini Šmartno pri Litiji (Stara metodologija)




Today, tourism is one of the leading industries in the world, which is why tourist destinations all over the world want swift development. In this aspect, the municipality of Šmartno pri Litiji is not different, since it is starting to show interest in tourism. The location of the municipality is excellent, because it is a part of the Central Slovenia Statistical Region and has good traffic connections with other regions of Slovenia. The municipality is geographically very diverse; the Sava Hills are extending to this region, making the landscape predominantly hilly. Due to this, the region has plenty vineyards and orchards, which make the landscape particularly interesting. Geologically, the region is diverse as well and has a nice climate. There are few areas of water, but they do not play an important role in tourism. The municipality has 5,500 residents. The employment rate is above the Slovene average, and the unemployment rate in working-age population is lower than the Slovene average, which shows the municipality in good light in terms of employment.

The region was already developing tourism when the municipalities of Šmartno pri Litiji and Litija were one entity. Many sources cite this region as an excellent tourist destination, which this thesis has shown as well. The nature itself here is remarkable, but the region has more to offer in terms of cultural heritage. The most common type of tourism here are organized trips and hiking. The region currently does not have enough accommodation, which would enable tourists longer stays. The municipality offers many thematic and hiking trails that are well-known in a wider area around the region. Levstik’s Hike (Sl. Levstikov pohod) is the most famous and most visited event in this region. It is attended by people from all over Slovenia as well as by people from other countries. This event helps to promote the municipality a fair bit. The municipality also offers a wide array of tourist attractions, however, the castle Bogenšperk stands out most with its entire tourist offer. Societies play a key part in the municipality, because they perform various activities that are important for tourism in different towns. However, there are no societies that are exclusively dealing with tourism. With that being said, societies still remain big promoters for tourism in the municipality. The municipality is a part of the Heart of Slovenia (Sl. Srce Slovenije) region and intends to acquire the Slovenia Green label in the future. This is a good indication that the municipal authorities want the region to become well-known and have a well-developed tourist offer in the future. The local authorities were already developing a strategy for the development of tourism which never got finished. It was noted that the municipality has the potential to develop a good tourist offer, and that cooperation is vital, especially with the neighboring municipality, with which they want to create a joint tourist destination.

Throughout this thesis it was proven that the municipality has the possibility of developing tourism. Most of the options are based on its unique natural and cultural characteristics, since they offer numerous advantages, e.g. the geographical layout offers relatively easy access. Other advantages are a well-preserved nature, an extremely rich cultural heritage, a very diverse offer of societies and plenty of traditional events. It is established that societies promote the municipality with their activities, because most of their activities fall under the tourism category, e.g. working with cultural heritage, hosting events, presenting the countryside, hiking, cycling, viticulture and horse riding. The institution Levstik’s Trail (Sl. Zavod Levstikova pot) is active in the area of the local community Primskovo. With its activities – most notably Levstik’s Hike – they greatly improve the recognizability of the municipality. The event is well-known not only in Slovenia, but also abroad. The Ethnological Society Jurij Humar (Sl. Etnološko društvo Jurija Humarja) is organizing activities that preserve and research the natural, cultural, ethnological and archaeological heritage. Tourism is based on daily visits. The aforementioned region is becoming more interesting, which can be seen through higher numbers of hikers and trip participants. Tourism may well be developed in the future, but it needs more promotion of the region’s natural and cultural heritage. It is also important to educate the local residents, because they are greatly interested in the development of tourism. In conclusion, the development of tourism is an interesting topic for the municipality, however, not so much that it would be pushed to the forefront.

Kakršen koli ponatis ali poobjava, tudi posameznega dela, je strogo prepovedan, vsebina pa je zaščitena po slovenskih in mednarodnih predpisih o zaščiti avtorskih pravic.